Irish Red & White Setter Club of Canada





Irish Red & White Setter Club of Canada

What's New?

On behalf of the members of the Irish Red and White Setter Club of Canada, we welcome you to our website.

Through this website, the IRWSCC provides information about the breed for those interested in these versatile, adaptable, beautiful, personable setters. If you are considering a Red & White for your family, here is a place to start (or to continue) your research. If you already have an IR&WS, we encourage you to join our Club. If you're already a member, please get involved in any capacity you are comfortable.

President Gail Harrison


2024 is a special year for our Club, as we celebrate twenty-five years of inclusion of the IR&WS in the Canadian Kennel Club. The National Specialty this year will be a gala affair. So follow announcements on our Club's "Specialty 2024" page.
Thanks to Susan Howe for this celebratory Specialty logo.



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